CAGR (2020-2025) |
12.2% | 12.6% |
CAGR (2020-2025) |
14.5% | 12.4% | 11.8% |
CAGR (2020-2025) |
8.4% | 12.6% | 9.7% | 12.9% |
Trade and services – Greater quantity and a more significant growth trend with an emphasis on the central region
2020 – is not a typical year
Always know, on time,
all that matters
about the building,
the environment and
everything in between
Reliable and protected digital and networked space based on fusion and extraction of existing data in the building and its surroundings which reduces operating costs, improves effective management of the complex, and allows its permanent residents and guests a better stay experience
Always know, on time, all that matters about the building, the environment and everything in between
Reliable and protected digital and networked space based on fusion and extraction of existing data in the building and its surroundings which reduces operating costs, improves effective management of the complex, and allows its permanent residents and guests a better stay experience
Presentation of
the findings,
summary of
work contents,