ComMuni Platform collects, aggregates, regulates, reconciles and fuses all data from smart city systems & sensors through a complex infrastructure of connections (such as API, IOT broker’s, ckan dataGate, Web scraping and more). Data then pours into the CDL (City Data Lake).
The innovative Predictive Analytics Module combines: Big data research team and a collection of tools for finding and revealing new insights on the CDL (City Data Lake), by looking for:
The findings and the insights will be used for decisions support and for comparison with the smart city systems status.
Traffic Flow data, Pollutant, 3D City structure, weather…
City officers,
energy industries
Dashboards, What-IF analysis
Pollutant Predictions,
Traffic Flow Reconstruction
Mobile App
The IDSS (information and Decision Support System) Module is an innovative tool developed by the company for supporting the decisions makers, by combining insights of the:
The IDSS module output are options to resolve the crisis.